Hal yang saya lakukan dalam desain ini adalah membuat sebuah infografis tentang cara membuat California Roll Sushi. Dalam desain ini, tersusun seperti anak panah yang mengarah ke kiri. Dimana hasil akhir di nomor 8 diletakkan tersendiri lebih besar di bagian kanan. Background dibuat warna putih hijau bergradasi agar langkah - langkah yang ada terlihat jelas.
This task is about Infographics. The theme that I raised this time was about food, the California Roll Sushi. Rules are given is this Infographics must have 8 steps.
The thing I do in this design is to create a Infographics about how to make a California Roll Sushi. In this design, structured like an arrow that leads to the left. Where is the end result on the number 8 is placed larger than another step and placed on the right. Background is made of green and white color gradation so that we could see the steps clearly.
Tugas ini membuat ilustrasi mengenai "Film yang Patut Dinantikan di Tahun 2011". Aturan yang diberikan adalah berukuran A3 lalu ditempel di atas impraboard hitam dengan margin 5 cm.
This task is about illustrations of "Movies That Should be Anticipated in Year 2011". Rules given are A3 size and then placed on black impraboard with margin 5 cm.
The thing I do in this design is to make tracing the face of the main character Twilight and Harry Potter. Because in my opinion, that's 2 movies that should be expected in 2011. In this design I display dark colors, because that films indeed dark element / magic.
Hal yang saya lakukan dalam desain ini adalah membuat tracing muka dari tokoh utama Twilight dan Harry Potter. Karena menurut saya, 2 film itulah yang patut dinantikan pada tahun 2011. Dalam desain ini saya menampilkan warna - warna gelap, karena kedua film tersebut memang berunsur gelap / magic.
This task is about illustrations of "Movies That Should be Anticipated in Year 2011". Rules given are A3 size and then placed on black impraboard with margin 5 cm.
The thing I do in this design is to make tracing the face of the main character Twilight and Harry Potter. Because in my opinion, that's 2 movies that should be expected in 2011. In this design I display dark colors, because that films indeed dark element / magic.
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